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Little Bugs Outdoor Nursery

A place where children can experience the true wonders of nature, where they can learn from plants and insects whilst allowing them to play and be creative with natural resources.

“ The best classroom and the richest cupboard are roofed only by the sky”

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Welcome to

Little Bugs Nursery

Little Bugs nurseries take advantage of the Scottish woodlands and are set completely outdoors. We offer childcare to children aged from 2 years to 5 years. 

Little Bugs at Fordell Firs is located within the Scouting Adventures Headquarters at Fordell Firs, Dunfermline. 

Little Bugs at Abercorn is located within the Hopetoun Estate near South Queensferry and will be opening in Autumn 2021.

At Little Bugs we offer adventure within a nurturing environment. Our learning structure is play based as we encourage children to take the lead when exploring, allowing them to let their imagination run wild.  As experienced early years practitioners we scaffold children’s learning experiences and encourage curiosity and a thirst for learning.

The idea of Little bugs emerged from a desire to provide children with a natural learning environment. A place where they can experience the true wonders of nature, where they can learn from plants and insects whilst allowing them to play and be creative with natural resources.

The concept of outdoor learning has been around for some time, however the importance of what it provides for children in terms of health, wellbeing and learning benefits has been diluted with the introduction of modern educational concepts. At Little Bugs we feel the time has come to go back to basics allowing children to reconnect with their natural surroundings.

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